to absolutely fall in love with the new %26quot;channel 2.0 Beta%26quot;:
鈫?your number of videos %26amp; favorites are totally missing
鈫?every thumbnail is either tiny or covers up everything
鈫?the %26quot;time duration%26quot; of every video is completely gone
鈫?most of the video titles are hidden by their thumbnail
鈫?every video thumb has no time-stamp or upload date
鈫?view counts have totally vanished from those thumbs
鈫?people can see only your last 3 videos (18 grid view)
鈫?also, YouTubers can only watch your last 3 favorites
鈫?the %26quot;scrolling%26quot; function is missing on many channels
鈫?there's a delay to everything, especially in %26quot;grid view%26quot;
鈫?all videos in that %26quot;grid view%26quot; are actually %26quot;unclickable%26quot;
鈫?there is no possibility to choose your %26quot;featured video%26quot;
鈫?any playlists/vlogs show no descriptions whatsoever
鈫?it's impossible to send messages from your channel
鈫?you CAN'T move boxes around like your old channel
鈫?the links that are in your channel are %26quot;non-functional%26quot;
鈫?background colors are only solid, (never transparent)
鈫?in fact, background images are now entirely useless
If you want to know about more bugs %26amp; glitches, look at YouTube's
own blog, where they acknowledge themselves all the things which
are wrong (nevermind all the things which have crept up since then):
youtube - channels - beta . blogspot . com / 2009 / 04 / some - known - issues . html
ON JULY 15 - UNLESS WE ALL %26quot;RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE%26quot;.Youtube is changing!!!!?i hate the fact their censoring the comentsYoutube is changing!!!!?Yes, but I can live with it.Youtube is changing!!!!?yeee men it piss me off yoYoutube is changing!!!!?This is all I have to say about this. is changing!!!!?ya it kinda sucks. the new channels arent that bad once you get used to them but the fact that they are censoring comments, that just sucksYoutube is changing!!!!?Yep. I want to delete my account but I just got 100 subscribers and stuff.
I hate the Beta Channels, I hate WMG muting almost all of the videos, I hate UMG stupid adds on videos, I hate the fact YouTube only cares about partners, and I hate the fact we can't upload music videos anymore without getting an account warning for freakin' copyright!Youtube is changing!!!!?YES.
i hate it!
its so annoying. and the whole censoring stuff that isnt even worth censoring.