Monday, September 19, 2011


It's 10:19 Eastern US Time and i got the %26quot;Old flash? Go upgrade!%26quot; thing from yotube.... four tiems after i hit the download had it complete in two seconds. Then i hopped on my dad's computer which he bought a few month ago and is fully upgraded. Without any change the same message bame up when i tried to watch a video. Are our computers obsolete? Is there somethingwrong with youtube? Did i miss a message as to youtube changing something? Please go onto youtube and see if the same thing happens to you!HOLY CRAP IS YOUTUBE MALFUNCTIONING?youtube is fine for meHOLY CRAP IS YOUTUBE MALFUNCTIONING?You can't upgrade, everyone has the problem, Adobe's servers can't handle all the traffic, Your using Internet Explorer, I am using Firefox and have no problem.

Firefox is better, but I am sure Youtube will fix it eventually for IE. Stupid IE


Source: 35th time I have copy pasted this answer.HOLY CRAP IS YOUTUBE MALFUNCTIONING?Yeah. I got the same thing as you. I'm gonna try what that guy said and use Firefox.

Hey. Mine just worked. Instead of going to Adobe's main site, google adobe flash player and go to where it says downloads, then go form there. Worked for me.HOLY CRAP IS YOUTUBE MALFUNCTIONING?Or, regarding the above answer advising Firefox, you could also use Google Chrome...