I have tried to change my youtube background. I had an old picture as the background, but I want to change it up a little. So I went to channel design, and browsed for a picture, and I updated the channel but it was still the same pic that I had. The weird thing is that in the channel design tab after I had updated it was calling the file the new pic, but it was still showing the old one. Does anyone have any idea what is happening?Why is my youtube background not changing?I agree with the person above me. youtube is retarded. But I know why this isn't working.
Youtube takes a very long time to update things. I tried to change my channel picture, and it took about two hours. You may have noticed that on some new videos from popular people, It may say %26quot;237 views%26quot; but have over 600 comments. This is an example of youtube not updating itself. Just sit on it. Wait about five hours (Annoying right?) and if its not fixed, you may want to pick a different file. This file may be to large, or youtube just doesn't want to make it appear.
If none of your background images load, you may want to consider contacting youtube with this problem.Why is my youtube background not changing?Youtube is retarded. You must treat it like a 3 year old child who wants cookies. Tell it over and over again to change the background. Keep uploading it till it gets it right. =[ No other way...