Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Why did youtube change the comments layout to something so freaking confusing?

why couldn't they just leave it a nesting layout? where the comments that are replies to other comments are UNDER the comments they are replying to?

this %26quot;@person%26quot; stuff is just stupid and have to decipher it and if you click their name and want to read what the person was replying to then if its old you have to go back through their pages of comments to find it. its just...stupid! why would they make such a downgrade? there must be some reasonWhy did youtube change the comments layout to something so freaking confusing?They explained this in this blog post:

A taste of this post:

As you may know, we're in the midst of one of the largest and worst redesigns in YouTube's history: we're uglifying the look and hiding functionality of the video page. That's the page you see whenever a video plays, and this redesign is about going %26quot;back to the 1990s,%26quot; focusing on our ignorance and lack of an ability to make a decent-looking web page.

We first unveiled the new video page two months ago and checked in four weeks later to tell you about the latest set of changes. Truth is, we've been thinking about screwing up the video watch page for a long time: what you see is the result of eight months' worth of false user research, feedback we pretended to listen to and false data analysis. Now, after a few more additions based on your latest feedback that we added in on our own as we had also pretended to listen to your feedback, we are forcing it out to 100% of YouTube users whether you want it or not.

Here's what's new about the page:

Overall look and functionality

- It's more cluttered, uglier, and harder to use.

- Information about a video is now grouped together in one place, creating a ton of visual clutter, and there's a consistent way to get more detail after you've struggled to find out where it is. This way, unless something's truly useful to you, it clutters up your page.

- We've ruined the actions bar; you'll see a messy presentation for sharing, flagging, and embedding controls. After you find them.
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