Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Are you getting sick of youtube changing?

their site every time you go on it?Are you getting sick of youtube changing?YES I HATE THE NEW COMMENTING CRUD! U cant give star ratings anymore and it doesnt show you how many thumbs up or down the video got so you cant see if the video suks or not before you watch it.!Are you getting sick of youtube changing?No, I actually appreciate the new layout. However, their comment-threading could have been better.. It's still not possible to easily see which comment a reply-comment is for.Are you getting sick of youtube changing?noAre you getting sick of youtube changing?Well no but what I don't like is that the info is on the bottom. I liked it when it was at the right side. AND where's the button for HOME! Now everytime I wanna go page to the homepage I have to type in it's annoying.Are you getting sick of youtube changing?yes, it not only makes it inconvenient cuz i have to figure out how to use the site again, but it also slows down the site so the day of the change and the days following (like today) the videos dont work properly.